About us

The Wednesday Women’s Writing Collective is a group of women and femmes dedicated to fostering creativity and uplifting marginalised voices.


1. Stimulate Creativity

Good work isn’t generated in a vacuum. By meeting, collaborating, and sharing ideas, we keep our creative juices flowing and energise one another. Weekly writing prompts keep us creating on a small scale and get us thinking outside our usual limits. Exposing ourselves to diverse perspectives enriches our work and enables us to grow well-rounded creative practices so we can reach our fullest potential.

2. Maintain Momentum

Too often, our creative projects stall because we don’t have the time, energy, or inspiration to continue. By meeting weekly, working on small scale and large scale writing projects, and contributing feedback to our fellow writers, we keep our creative batteries charged so we can go the distance. Working towards submission deadlines and having accountability provide additional motivation as we cheer each other on.

3. Generate Paid Work

Fuck your day job. Our goal is to make WWWC an engine that generates enough paid work to sustain us as artists. Collectively, we are better able to stay on top of funding opportunities and submission deadlines. We are building WWWC’s profile as a collective to qualify for a wider array of funding than we can as individual artists. We self-produce full scale productions of our members’ work, and cultivate meaningful connections with the industry and wider creative community that benefit us all.